1	҆О́н+	on	Pd-msn	_	_	11	nsubj	11:nsubj	_
2	же+	že	Qd	_	_	11	cc	11:cc	_
3	съ+	s	Si	_	_	4	case	4:case	_
4	тъщанїемъ+	tъštanie	Nnsin	_	_	6	amod	6:amod	_
5	тáмо	tamo	R	Pr---a	_	6	advmod	6:advmod	_
6	шед,	ida	Vmpa-sia	_	_	11	advcl	11:advcl	_
7	вьсѣ+	vse	Anpnn	_	_	11	obj	11:obj	_
8	҆ꙗже+	iže	Pr-npn	_	_	10	nmod	10:nmod	_
9	кь+	k	Sd	_	_	10	case	10:case	_
10	чъсти+	čest	Nfsgn	_	_	7	acl	7:acl	_
11	҆ꙋстрѡ́и.	ustroja	Vmia3se	_	_	0	root	0:root	_

# translation: And as he went there with haste, he did everything for the sake of honor.