Universität Zürich Universität Zürich

014 kako osudi marta pilata 114f
How Martha Accused the Pilate

An text on Martha's journey to Rome, her pleas to Caesar, and his consequent punitive campaign against Pilate and the Jews, likely referring to the destruction of Jerusalem by Titus in 70 AD.
Originally a part of Gospel of Nicodemus (wiki). See the Obdurodon website (link) for Church Slavonic sources of the text tradition.

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[михаилꙋ] - [49][·м·][13 листа]
1: === lemma: ===
form: -

translation: [Title] Homily on how Martha condemned the Pilate before King Caesar in Rome

Слово+ lemma: slovo 'word, homily'
form: n.sg.nom/acc

кáко+ lemma: kako 'how'
form: interrogative

ѡсꙋди+ lemma: osъdja 'convict'
form: 2/3sg.aor

марѳа lemma: Marta 'Martha'
form: f.sg.nom

2: Пилáта lemma: Pilat 'Pilate'
form: f.sg.nom

пре́д lemma: pred 'in front'
form: preposition

цр҃а lemma: car 'king, emperor'
form: m.sg.gen/acc (dep)

кесáремь lemma: Kesar 'Caesar'
form: m.sg.inst

вь lemma: v 'in'
form: preposition

ри́мь lemma: Rim 'Rome'
form: m.sg.nom

҆оч҃е. lemma: otec 'father'
form: m.sg.voc

translation: [Title] o Father, bless the readers by the prayers of the holy fathers

3: бл҃гословѝ lemma: blagoslovja 'bless'
form: 2sg.imp

проче́сти lemma: prečistja 'purify'
form: infinitive

моли́твáми lemma: molitva 'prayer'
form: f.pl.inst

ст҃и lemma: svęt 'saint'
form: m.sg.nom.lf

҆о́те́ць lemma: otec 'father'
form: m.sg.nom
alt.analysis: m.pl.gen

4: Сле́дь lemma: sled 'afterwards'
form: preposition

translation: Following the ascension of the Lord, God, and our saviour, Jeus Christ, Martha, the Lazarus' sister, went to Rome, to the Golden Apple, to king Augustus Ceasar

вознесе́нїе lemma: vъznesenie 'ascension'
form: n.sg.nom/acc

гд͒а, lemma: Gospod 'Lord'
form: m.sg.gen/acc (dep)

бг҃а lemma: bog 'god'
form: m.sg.gen/acc (dep)

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

сп͒а lemma: spasitel 'Savior'
form: m.sg.gen/acc (dep)

нáшего lemma: naš 'our'
form: m.sg.gen/acc.lf (dep)

ии͒са lemma: Isus 'Jesus'
form: m.sg.gen/acc (dep)

5: хр͒та lemma: Xristos 'Christ'
form: m.sg.gen/acc (dep)

мáрта lemma: Marta 'Martha'
form: f.sg.nom

се́стра lemma: sestra 'sister'
form: f.sg.nom

лáзаровà lemma: Lazarov 'Lazarus''
form: f.sg.nom

та+ lemma: 'the'
form: conjunction

ѡтидѐ lemma: otida 'leave, go away'
form: 2/3sg.aor

6: lemma: '(an illustration)'
form: -

picture: hand with a stick

ва+ lemma: v
form: preposition

ри́мь lemma: Rim 'Rome'
form: m.sg.nom

на+ lemma: na 'on, to, for'
form: preposition

златà lemma: zlaten 'golden, made of gold'
form: f.sg.nom

҆ꙗ́болкà lemma: jabъlka 'apple'
form: f.sg.nom

при+ lemma: pri 'by'
form: preposition

цáра lemma: car 'king, emperor'
form: m.sg.gen/acc (dep)

҆áвь_гꙋстà lemma: Avgust
form: m.sg.gen/acc (dep)

7: кесáра lemma: Kesar 'Caesar'
form: m.sg.gen/acc (dep)

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: And she fell to him crying

припáднꙋ lemma: pripadna 'fall to'
form: 2/3sg.aor

при+ lemma: pri
form: preposition

не́го lemma: toi 'he'
form: m.3sg.gen/acc (long)

са͒ lemma: s 'with'
form: preposition

плач lemma: plač 'cry'
form: m.sg.nom

8: ҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: And told him

ре́че+ lemma: reka 'say'
form: 2/3sg.aor

мꙋ lemma: toi 'he'
form: m.3sg.dat

поми́лꙋй+ lemma: pomilvam 'have mercy'
form: 2sg.imp

translation: ʺHave mercy with me, oh king, as I come to you to tell you a wordʺ

ме lemma: az 'I'
form: 1sg.acc

цр҃ꙋ lemma: car 'king, emperor'
form: m.sg.voc

да+ lemma: da 'to'
form: conjunction

при́йдемь lemma: priida 'come'
form: 3sg.prs

при́ lemma: pri
form: preposition

9: те́бе lemma: ti 'you'
form: 2sg.dat

да+ lemma: da 'to'
form: conjunction

тѝ lemma: ti 'you'
form: 2sg.dat

продꙋ́мамь lemma: produmam 'start to speak'
form: 1sg.prs

не́коꙗ̀ lemma: někoi 'someone'
form: f.sg.nom

ре́чь lemma: reč 'word'
form: f.sg.nom

тогива lemma: togiva 'then'
form: relative

translation: Then the king said:

10: ре́че lemma: reka 'say'
form: 2/3sg.aor

цр҃ь lemma: car 'king, emperor'
form: m.sg.nom

кажи́+ lemma: kaža 'tell'
form: 2sg.imp

translation: ʺTell me, oh woman, why you cry so muchʺ

ми lemma: az 'I'
form: 1sg.dat

҆ѡ+ lemma: o 'oh'
form: interjection

же́но lemma: žena 'woman'
form: f.sg.voc

защо̀ lemma: zašto 'for'
form: interrogative

толко lemma: tolko 'so much'
form: relative

плачеш lemma: plača 'cry, weep'
form: 2sg.prs

11: ҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: And Marta said:

марта lemma: Marta 'Martha'
form: f.sg.nom

ре́че lemma: reka 'say'
form: 2/3sg.aor

гоп͒оди́не lemma: gospodin 'lord'
form: m.sg.voc

translation: ʺo honorable lord of the land, may you live for many yearsʺ

дрьжáвни lemma: dъržaven 'of the state'
form: m.sg.nom.lf

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

чести́ти lemma: čestit 'honorable'
form: m.pl.nom

12: на lemma: na 'on, to, for'
form: preposition

мно́га lemma: mnog 'numerous'
form: n.pl.nom/acc

лета lemma: lěto 'summer, year'
form: n.pl.nom/acc

жи́вь lemma: živ 'alive'
form: m.sg.nom

да+ lemma: da 'to'
form: conjunction

бꙋ́дешь lemma: bъda 'become'
form: 2sg.prs

дꙋма lemma: duma 'word'
form: f.sg.nom

translation: ʺI have a word to tell you, truly a miraculous thingʺ

҆имáмь lemma: imam 'have'
form: 1sg.prs

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[слово како ҆ѡсꙋди]
1: да+ lemma: da 'to'
form: conjunction

тѝ lemma: ti 'you'
form: 2sg.dat

дꙋ́мамь lemma: dumam 'speak'
form: 1sg.prs

҆и+ lemma: i
form: conjunction

ва+ lemma: v 'in'
form: preposition

҆истинꙋ lemma: istina 'truth'
form: f.sg.acc

да+ lemma: da 'to'
form: conjunction

ти lemma: ti 'you'
form: 2sg.dat

кáжемь lemma: kaža 'tell'
form: 1sg.prs

чꙋдна lemma: čuden 'miraculous'
form: f.sg.nom

2: работа lemma: rabota 'work, thing, matter'
form: f.sg.nom

но́+ lemma: no 'but'
form: conjunction

translation: ʺBut may God set you up to the truthʺ

да+ lemma: da 'to'
form: conjunction

тѐ lemma: ti 'you'
form: 2sg.gen/acc (short)

настáви lemma: nastavja 'set up'
form: 3sg.prs

бг҃ь lemma: bog 'god'
form: m.sg.nom

на+ lemma: na
form: preposition

правда lemma: pravda 'truth, justice'
form: f.sg.nom

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

на+ lemma: na 'on, to, for'
form: preposition

исти_нꙋ lemma: istina 'truth'
form: f.sg.acc

3: ҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: And the king told her:

ре́че lemma: reka 'say'
form: 2/3sg.aor

҆ей lemma: tja 'she'
form: f.3sg.dat

цр҃ь lemma: car 'king, emperor'
form: m.sg.nom

҆ѿ lemma: ot 'from'
form: preposition

translation: ʺWhich country have you come here?ʺ

ко́҆ꙗ+ lemma: koi 'who'
form: f.sg.nom

си lemma: sъm 'be'
form: 2sg.prs

землꙗ̀ lemma: zemlja 'land, earth'
form: f.sg.nom

дошлà lemma: doida 'come'
form: l-ptcp

ти+ lemma: ti 'you'
form: 2sg.nom

тꙋ́_ка lemma: tuka 'here'
form: relative

4: ҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: ʺand from which people?ʺ

ѿ+ lemma: ot 'from'
form: preposition

кой+ lemma: koi 'who'
form: m.pl.nom

си lemma: sъm 'be'
form: 2sg.prs

лю́дие lemma: ljudie 'people'
form: m.pl.nom

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: and Martha said:

мáрта lemma: Marta 'Martha'
form: f.sg.nom

ре́че lemma: reka 'say'
form: 2/3sg.aor

҆азь lemma: az 'I'
form: 1sg.nom

translation: ʺI am from the land of Madiamʺ

҆есмь lemma: sъm 'be'
form: 1sg.prs

ѿ lemma: ot 'from'
form: preposition

5: зе́млю lemma: zemlja 'land, earth'
form: f.sg.acc

мади҆амскꙋ lemma: madiamski 'of Madiam'
form: f.sg.nom

Midian or Madiam - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Midian

но+ lemma: no 'but'
form: conjunction

translation: ʺBut I came to tell you for something goodʺ

сь́мь lemma: sъm 'be'
form: 1sg.prs

дошлà lemma: doida 'come'
form: l-ptcp

да+ lemma: da 'to'
form: conjunction

тѝ lemma: ti 'you'
form: 2sg.dat

дꙋ_мамь lemma: dumam 'speak'
form: 1sg.prs

6: за+ lemma: za 'for, about'
form: preposition

добро̀ lemma: dobro 'goodness, goods'
form: n.sg.nom/acc

цр҃ь lemma: car 'king, emperor'
form: m.sg.nom

translation: The king said:

ре́че lemma: reka 'say'
form: 2/3sg.aor

дꙋмáй lemma: dumam 'speak'
form: 2sg.imp

translation: ʺSpeak as much as you wantʺ

ко́лко lemma: kolko 'how much'
form: interrogative

щешь lemma: šta 'want'
form: 2sg.prs

7: тоги́ва lemma: togiva 'then'
form: relative

translation: Then Martha said:

мáрта lemma: Marta 'Martha'
form: f.sg.nom

ре́че lemma: reka 'say'
form: 2/3sg.aor

гоп͒оди́не lemma: gospodin 'lord'
form: m.sg.voc

translation: ʺLord, a mighty and strong man appeared in a land where nobody has ever seen such a personʺ

҆ꙗ́ви+ lemma: javja 'appear'
form: 2/3sg.aor

се lemma: se 'self'
form: refl.acc

҆еди́нь lemma: edin 'one'
form: m.sg.nom

8: мꙋ́жь lemma: mъž 'man'
form: m.sg.nom

ꙗкь lemma: jak 'strong, pretty'
form: m.sg.nom

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

си́лень lemma: silen 'strong'
form: m.sg.nom

нá+ lemma: na 'on, to, for'
form: preposition

землю lemma: zemlja 'land, earth'
form: f.sg.acc

дето̀ lemma: deto 'which'
form: relative

никой lemma: nikoi 'nobody, none'
form: negative

не lemma: ne 'no, not'
form: negation particle

9: бе́ше lemma: sъm 'be'
form: 2/3sg.impf

виде́ль lemma: vidja 'see'
form: l-ptcp

такь́вꙗ lemma: takъv 'such'
form: m.sg.nom

чл҃векь lemma: človek 'human'
form: m.sg.gen/acc (dep)

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: ʺAnd nobody could utter his wordsʺ

никой lemma: nikoi 'nobody, none'
form: negative

не+ lemma: ne 'no, not'
form: negation particle

може lemma: moga 'can'
form: 3sg.prs

10: ҆искáза lemma: izkaža 'tell'
form: infinitive
alt.analysis: 2/3sg.aor

него́ви+ lemma: negov 'his'
form: f.pl.nom/acc

те lemma: 'the'
form: f.pl.nom

дꙋ́ми lemma: duma 'word'
form: f.pl.nom/acc

мрь́тви lemma: mъrtъv 'dead'
form: m.pl.nom

translation: ʺHe revived the deadʺ

҆ѡжи́влꙗше lemma: oživja 'resurrect'
form: 2/3sg.impf

11: сле́пи lemma: slěp 'blind'
form: m.pl.nom

translation: ʺThe blind sawʺ

прогледвахꙋ lemma: progledvam 'start to see'
form: 3pl.aor/impf

бо́лни lemma: bolen 'ill'
form: m.pl.nom

translation: ʺHe healed the illʺ

҆исце́лваше lemma: izceljavam 'heal'
form: 2/3sg.impf

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

беснѝ lemma: běsen 'possessed, mad'
form: m.pl.nom

translation: ʺAnd healed the possessedʺ

҆о́_здрáвлꙗше lemma: ozdravja 'become or make healthy'
form: 2/3sg.impf

12: ҆а+ lemma: a 'and, but'
form: conjunction

translation: ʺAnd Pilate handed him over to the Hebrewsʺ

пилáт+ lemma: Pilat 'Pilate'
form: m.sg.nom

го lemma: toi 'he'
form: m.3sg.gen/acc (short)

предáде lemma: predam 'give over, betray'
form: 2/3sg.aor

на+ lemma: na 'on, to, for'
form: preposition

евре҆е+ lemma: evrein 'Jew, Hebrew'
form: m.pl.nom

те lemma: 'the'
form: m.pl.nom

҆и lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: ʺand they crucified himʺ

13: распе́ха+ lemma: razpъna 'crucify'
form: 3pl.aor/impf

го lemma: toi 'he'
form: m.3sg.gen/acc (short)

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: ʺAnd Longinus the centurion pierced his ribbsʺ

логи́нь lemma: Login 'Longinus'
form: m.sg.nom

со́тникь lemma: stotnik 'centurion, captain'
form: m.sg.nom

ре́бра+ lemma: rebro 'rib'
form: n.pl.nom/acc

та+ lemma: 'the'
form: f.sg.nom

мꙋ̀ lemma: toi 'he'
form: m.3sg.dat

про_бо́де lemma: proboda 'pierce'
form: 2/3sg.aor

14: та+ lemma: ta 'and, thus'
form: conjunction

translation: ʺand blood and water came outʺ

҆исте́че lemma: izteka 'pour out'
form: 2/3sg.aor

крьвь lemma: krъv 'blood'
form: f.sg.nom

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

вода lemma: voda 'water'
form: f.sg.nom

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: and when the king heard this word

чꙋ lemma: čuja 'hear'
form: 2/3sg.aor

цр҃ь lemma: car 'king, emperor'
form: m.sg.nom

та҆ꙗ́ lemma: toja 'that'
form: f.sg.nom

дꙋ_ма lemma: duma 'word'
form: f.sg.nom

15: ҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: sweetly and gently he asked

сладко lemma: sladko 'sweetly'
form: adverb

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

кро́тко lemma: krotko 'peacefully'
form: adverb

пи́таше+ lemma: pitam 'ask'
form: 2/3sg.impf

ю̀ lemma: tja 'she'
form: f.3sg.acc (short)

҆ѡ+ lemma: o 'oh'
form: interjection

translation: ʺO woman, do you tell the truth?ʺ

жено lemma: žena 'woman'
form: f.sg.voc

҆исти́_на+ lemma: istina 'truth'
form: f.sg.nom

лѝ lemma: li '(question particle)'
form: interrogative particle

16: дꙋ́машь lemma: dumam 'speak'
form: 2sg.prs

защо́+ lemma: zašto 'for'
form: interrogative

translation: ʺwas it really such a man?ʺ

е lemma: sъm 'be'
form: 3sg.prs

би́ль lemma: sъm 'be'
form: l-ptcp

такь́вꙗ lemma: takъv 'such'
form: m.sg.nom

чл҃векь lemma: človek 'human'
form: m.sg.nom

17: ҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: ʺand can other people testify that it was like that?ʺ

мо́же+ lemma: moga 'can'
form: 3sg.prs

ли lemma: li '(question particle)'
form: interrogative particle

дрꙋ́ги lemma: drug 'other'
form: m.sg.nom.lf

члове́кь lemma: človek 'human'
form: m.sg.nom

мартꙋри́са lemma: marturisati 'testify'
form: 3sg.prs

Miklosich: мартоурисати 'testari'

че+ lemma: če 'that'
form: conjunction

е lemma: sъm 'be'
form: 3sg.prs

било̀ lemma: sъm 'be'
form: l-ptcp

18: така lemma: taka 'thus'
form: relative

мáрѳа lemma: Marta 'Martha'
form: f.sg.nom

translation: Martha said:

ре́че lemma: reka 'say'
form: 2/3sg.aor

гд͒и́не lemma: gospodin 'lord'
form: m.sg.voc

translation: ʺLord, my brother was deadʺ

брáть lemma: brat 'brother'
form: m.sg.nom

мо́й lemma: moi 'my'
form: m.sg.nom.lf

бе́ше lemma: sъm 'be'
form: 2/3sg.impf

ꙋ_мре́ль lemma: umra 'die'
form: l-ptcp

19: ҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: ʺand he was burried in a tombʺ

ва lemma: v 'in'
form: preposition

гро́бь lemma: grob 'grave'
form: m.sg.nom

бе́ше lemma: sъm 'be'
form: 2/3sg.impf

поло́жень lemma: položa 'place'
form: m.sg.nom
alt.analysis: ptcp.aor.pass

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: ʺand he laid there for four days deadʺ

лежà lemma: leža 'lay'
form: 2/3sg.aor

·д· lemma: 4
form: alphabetic number

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[марта пилата] - [50][·ма·]
1: днѝ lemma: den 'day'
form: m.pl.nom

мрть́вь lemma: mъrtъv 'dead'
form: m.sg.nom

҆а+ lemma: a 'and, but'
form: conjunction

translation: ʺand he revived himʺ

ѡн+ lemma: on 'he'
form: m.3sg.nom

го̀ lemma: toi 'he'
form: m.3sg.gen/acc (short)

҆оживѝ lemma: oživja 'resurrect'
form: 2/3sg.aor

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: ʺand now he walks lively in the landʺ

сьга lemma: sega 'now'
form: adverb

хо́ди lemma: xodja 'walk'
form: 3sg.prs

жи́вь: lemma: živ 'alive'
form: m.sg.nom

2: по́+ lemma: po 'after, along, according to'
form: preposition

земи lemma: zemja 'land, earth'
form: f.sg.dat/loc

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: and the king said:

ре́че lemma: reka 'say'
form: 2/3sg.aor

цр҃ь lemma: car 'king, emperor'
form: m.sg.nom

да+ lemma: da 'to'
form: conjunction

translation: ʺMay a servant be sent to Jerusalem to find anybody of that people that this person healed and revived and whom Martha praisedʺ

пꙋ́щи lemma: pustja 'let'
form: 3sg.prs

не́коꙗ̀ lemma: někoi 'someone'
form: f.sg.nom

слꙋгà lemma: sluga 'servant'
form: f.sg.nom

ва+ lemma: v 'in'
form: preposition

йѐ_рꙋсали́мь lemma: Ierusalim 'Jerusalem'
form: m.sg.nom

3: да+ lemma: da 'to'
form: conjunction

дове́дꙋть lemma: doveda 'lead in'
form: 3pl.prs

некого lemma: někoi 'someone'
form: gen/acc

ѿ+ lemma: ot 'from'
form: preposition

ти́ꙗ lemma: toja 'that'
form: m.pl.nom

лю́дие lemma: ljudie 'people'
form: m.pl.nom

4: що+ lemma: što 'what'
form: interrogative

ги́+ lemma: 'they'
form: 3pl.gen/acc (short)

е lemma: sъm 'be'
form: 3sg.prs

҆исцелиль lemma: izcelja 'heal'
form: l-ptcp

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

҆ѡживи́ль lemma: oživja 'resurrect'
form: l-ptcp

҆о́нꙗ̀ lemma: onja 'that'
form: m.sg.nom

чл҃векь lemma: človek 'human'
form: m.sg.nom

де_то+ lemma: deto 'which'
form: relative

го̀ lemma: toi 'he'
form: m.3sg.gen/acc (short)

5: мáрта lemma: Marta 'Martha'
form: f.sg.nom

фале́ше lemma: falja 'praise'
form: 2/3sg.impf

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: and in truth, the king send his servant Kapsof (?) to bring somebody

ва lemma: v 'in'
form: preposition

҆исти́нꙋ lemma: istina 'truth'
form: f.sg.nom

цр҃ь lemma: car 'king, emperor'
form: m.sg.nom

пꙋ́щи lemma: pustja 'let'
form: 2/3sg.aor

6: слꙋгà lemma: sluga 'servant'
form: f.sg.nom

сво́҅его lemma: svoi 'of oneself'
form: m.sg.gen/acc.lf (dep)

каѱо́фа lemma: Kapsof 'Kapsof'
form: m.sg.gen/acc (dep)

дá+ lemma: da 'to'
form: conjunction

доведѐ lemma: doveda 'lead in'
form: 3sg.prs

не́кого lemma: někoi 'someone'
form: gen/acc

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: And they brought that man which was blind and saw and he testified that these wonders were true

дове_доха lemma: doveda 'lead in'
form: 2/3sg.aor

7: того́ва lemma: tova 'that'
form: m.sg.gen/acc

чл҃века lemma: človek 'human'
form: m.sg.gen/acc (dep)

дето̀ lemma: deto 'which'
form: relative

бе́ше lemma: sъm 'be'
form: 2/3sg.impf

сле́пь lemma: slěp 'blind'
form: m.sg.nom

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

про_гледáль lemma: pogledam 'watch'
form: l-ptcp
alt.analysis: m.sg.nom

8: ҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

мартꙋри́са lemma: marturisati 'testify'
form: 2/3sg.aor

какво+ lemma: kakvo 'what'
form: relative

е lemma: sъm 'be'
form: 3sg.prs

҆истина lemma: istina 'truth'
form: f.sg.nom

било̀ lemma: sъm 'be'
form: l-ptcp
alt.analysis: n.sg.nom/acc

9: таквáва lemma: takvav
form: n.pl.nom

чꙋдесà lemma: čudo 'miracle'
form: n.pl.nom/acc

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: and they wrote a decree

писáхꙋ lemma: piša 'write'
form: 3pl.aor/impf

҆еме́рь lemma: emer 'emer'
form: m.sg.nom

wiktionary.tr - emir 'command, order'

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: And in decree, they wrote about Martha, Longinus, and Lazarus

ва lemma: v 'in'
form: preposition

еме́рь lemma: emer 'emer'
form: m.sg.nom

пи_сахꙋ lemma: piša 'write'
form: 3pl.aor/impf

10: мáртꙋ lemma: Marta 'Martha'
form: f.sg.acc (dep)

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

логи́на lemma: Login 'Longinus'
form: m.sg.gen/acc (dep)

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

лáзара lemma: Lazar 'Lazarus'
form: m.sg.gen/acc (dep)

па lemma: pa 'and then'
form: conjunction

translation: And then the king Augustus send them to Rome

тоги́ва+ lemma: togiva 'then'
form: adverb

ги lemma: 'they'
form: 3pl.gen/acc (short)

11: пꙋ́щи lemma: pustja 'let'
form: 2/3sg.aor

цр҃ь lemma: car 'king, emperor'
form: m.sg.nom

҆áвгꙋсть lemma: Avgust
form: m.sg.nom

ꙋ+ lemma: u 'at'
form: preposition

ри́мь lemma: Rim 'Rome'
form: m.sg.nom

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: and when they came to Rome they entered the royal palace

коги lemma: kogi 'when'
form: interrogative

҆ѡтидо́ха lemma: otida 'leave, go away'
form: 3pl.aor/impf

12: ꙋ+ lemma: u 'at'
form: preposition

римь lemma: Rim 'Rome'
form: m.sg.nom

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

вле́зохꙋ lemma: vlěza 'enter'
form: 3pl.aor/impf

ꙋ+ lemma: u 'at'
form: preposition

полáти lemma: polata 'palace'
form: f.pl.nom/acc

цр҃еви lemma: carev 'king's'
form: f.pl.nom/acc

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: and the palace of the king shook

потре́се+ lemma: potresa 'shake a little'
form: 2/3sg.aor

се lemma: se 'self'
form: refl.acc

13: свà lemma: sve 'all'
form: f.sg.nom

полáта lemma: polata 'palace'
form: f.sg.nom

цр҃ева lemma: carev 'king's'
form: f.sg.nom

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: and the king said:

рече lemma: reka 'say'
form: 2/3sg.aor

цр҃ь lemma: car 'king, emperor'
form: m.sg.nom

тоꙗ lemma: toja 'that'
form: m.sg.nom

translation: ʺthis thing is a great wonder, what happened on this day and momentʺ

бе́легь lemma: beleg 'evidence, scar'
form: m.sg.nom

що lemma: što 'what'
form: interrogative

14: се lemma: se 'self'
form: refl.acc

чи́ни lemma: činja 'do'
form: 2/3sg.aor

ꙋ+ lemma: u 'at'
form: preposition

то́ꙗ lemma: toja 'that'
form: m.sg.nom

де́нь lemma: den 'day'
form: m.sg.nom

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

чáсь lemma: čas 'hour'
form: m.sg.nom

голе́мое lemma: golěm 'big'
form: n.sg.nom/acc.lf

чꙋдо lemma: čudo 'miracle'
form: n.sg.nom/acc

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: and the king got scared

ꙋ_плаши́+ lemma: uplaša 'scare'
form: 2/3sg.aor

се lemma: se 'self'
form: refl.acc

15: цр҃ь lemma: car 'king, emperor'
form: m.sg.nom

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: and the boyars said

рекохꙋ lemma: reka 'say'
form: 3pl.aor/impf

бол҆ꙗре lemma: boljarin 'boyar, noble'
form: m.pl.nom

гд͒ине lemma: gospodin 'lord'
form: m.sg.voc

translation: ʺLord, (what if it) is because of the people that came from Jerusalem to talk about Christ, the crucifiedʺ

да+ lemma: da 'to'
form: conjunction

не+ lemma: ne 'no, not'
form: negation particle

бꙋ́де lemma: bъda 'become'
form: 3sg.prs

16: легомà lemma: legoma 'as if, because'
form: adverb

Demina et al. 2012:436 - legoma '1.tъkmo, imenno, 2.sjakaš'

зарадѝ lemma: zaradi 'for'
form: preposition

тѝ҆ꙗ̀ lemma: toja 'that'
form: m.pl.nom

лю́дие lemma: ljudie 'people'
form: m.pl.nom

дето lemma: deto 'which'
form: relative

дойдоха lemma: doida 'come'
form: 3pl.aor/impf

ѿ lemma: ot 'from'
form: preposition

17: ҆иерꙋсали́мь lemma: Ierusalim 'Jerusalem'
form: m.sg.nom

да+ lemma: da 'to'
form: conjunction

дꙋ́мать lemma: dumam 'speak'
form: 3pl.prs

за lemma: za
form: preposition

хр͒та lemma: Xristos 'Christ'
form: m.sg.gen/acc (dep)

распе́таго lemma: razpъna 'crucify'
form: m.sg.gen/acc.lf (dep)
alt.analysis: ptcp.aor.pass


18: та+ lemma: ta 'and, thus'
form: conjunction

translation: and so these wonders appeared

се lemma: se 'self'
form: refl.acc

чи́ни lemma: činja 'do'
form: 2/3sg.aor

тáꙗ lemma: toja 'that'
form: n.pl.nom

чꙋдесà lemma: čudo 'miracle'
form: n.pl.nom/acc

тоги́ва lemma: togiva 'then'
form: relative

translation: then the king said:

ре́че lemma: reka 'say'
form: 2/3sg.aor

царь lemma: car 'king, emperor'
form: m.sg.nom

19: излезне́те lemma: izlezne
form: 2pl.imp

translation: ʺAll of you, go out of my palaceʺ

свѝ lemma: sve 'all'
form: m.pl.nom

надво́рь lemma: nadvor 'outside'
form: adverb

҆изь lemma: iz 'from'
form: preposition

полáти lemma: polata 'palace'
form: f.pl.nom/acc

мой lemma: moi 'my'
form: f.pl.nom/acc

҆изле_зо́ха lemma: izlěza 'go out'
form: 3pl.aor/impf

translation: All the people who had gathered in the yards of the king left

facsimilepage 117
[слово како ҆ѡсꙋди]
1: сь́вь lemma: sve 'all'
form: m.sg.nom

наро́дь lemma: narod 'nation'
form: m.sg.nom

що+ lemma: što 'what'
form: interrogative

бе́хꙋ+ lemma: sъm 'be'
form: 3pl.aor/impf

се lemma: se 'self'
form: refl.acc

сабрáли lemma: sъbera 'collect'
form: l-ptcp

ꙋ+ lemma: u 'at'
form: preposition

цр҃еви lemma: carev 'king's'
form: m.pl.nom

2: дворо́ве lemma: dvor 'court, yard'
form: m.pl.nom

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: And the king said again:

пакь lemma: pak 'again'
form: adverb

ре́че lemma: reka 'say'
form: 2/3sg.aor

цр҃ь lemma: car 'king, emperor'
form: m.sg.nom

влазе́те lemma: vlěza 'enter'
form: 2pl.imp

translation: ʺCome in one by one ʺ

҆еди́нь lemma: edin 'one'
form: m.sg.nom

по lemma: po 'after, along, according to'
form: preposition

3: ҆еди́нь lemma: edin 'one'
form: m.sg.nom

та+ lemma: ta 'and, thus'
form: conjunction

translation: so that I see because of whom my house has been shaking

да+ lemma: da 'to'
form: conjunction

ви́димь lemma: vidja 'see'
form: 1sg.prs

заради lemma: zaradi 'for'
form: preposition

кого́+ lemma: koi 'who'
form: gen/acc

се lemma: se 'self'
form: refl.acc

трꙋ́си lemma: tъrsja 'search'
form: 3sg.prs

дом lemma: dom 'house'
form: m.sg.nom

4: мо́й lemma: moi 'my'
form: m.sg.nom.lf

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: and they all entered

сви lemma: sve 'all'
form: m.sg.nom

вле́зоха lemma: vlěza 'enter'
form: 3pl.aor/impf

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: and when Longinus wanted to enter, the palace shook even stronger

коги lemma: kogi 'when'
form: interrogative

ще́ше lemma: šta 'want'
form: 2/3sg.impf

да+ lemma: da 'to'
form: conjunction

вле́зе lemma: vlěza 'enter'
form: 3sg.prs

лог҃и lemma: Login 'Longinus'
form: m.sg.nom

5: ҆á+ lemma: a 'and, but'
form: conjunction

то+ lemma: to 'that, then'
form: particle

се lemma: se 'self'
form: refl.acc

потрꙋси lemma: potъrsja 'search a little'
form: 3sg.prs

полата lemma: polata 'palace'
form: f.sg.nom

҆още lemma: ošte 'yet'
form: adverb

по+ lemma: po (2) '(comparative particle)'
form: degree particle

стрáшно lemma: strašen 'terrible'
form: n.sg.nom/acc

҆и lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: and all the people got scared

6: свѝ lemma: sve 'all'
form: m.pl.nom

лю́дие lemma: ljudie 'people'
form: m.pl.nom

ꙋплашихꙋ+ lemma: uplaša 'scare'
form: 3pl.aor/impf

се. lemma: se 'self'
form: refl.acc

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: and out of fear, they could not look at Longinus

ѿ+ lemma: ot 'from'
form: preposition

стрáхь lemma: strax 'fear'
form: m.sg.nom

7: не+ lemma: ne 'no, not'
form: adverb

може́хꙋ lemma: moga 'can'
form: 3pl.aor/impf

да+ lemma: da 'to'
form: conjunction

гле́дать lemma: gledam 'watch'
form: 3pl.prs

ꙋ+ lemma: u 'at'
form: preposition

логи́на lemma: Login 'Longinus'
form: m.sg.gen/acc (dep)

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: and the king said to Longinus:

ре́че lemma: reka 'say'
form: 2/3sg.aor

цр҃ь lemma: car 'king, emperor'
form: m.sg.nom

ло_ги́нꙋ lemma: Login 'Longinus'
form: m.sg.dat

8: чл҃вече lemma: človek 'human'
form: m.sg.nom

translation: ʺo man, what are you?ʺ

ти+ lemma: ti 'you'
form: 2sg.nom

какьв+ lemma: kakъv 'what kind of'
form: m.sg.nom

сѝ lemma: sъm 'be'
form: 2sg.prs

та+ lemma: ta 'and, thus'
form: conjunction

translation: ʺfor we are going to perish because of youʺ

зарадѝ lemma: zaradi 'for'
form: preposition

те́бе lemma: ti 'you'
form: 2sg.gen/acc (long)

9: ще́ме lemma: šta 'want'
form: 1pl.prs

дá+ lemma: da 'to'
form: conjunction

поги́неме lemma: pogina 'perish'
form: 1pl.prs

҆á+ lemma: a 'and, but'
form: conjunction

translation: And Longinus said:

логи́нь lemma: Login 'Longinus'
form: m.sg.nom

ре́че lemma: reka 'say'
form: 2/3sg.aor

ѡ͒+ lemma: o 'oh'
form: interjection

translation: ʺO lord, know that this work is not because of meʺ

гд͒ине lemma: gospodin 'lord'
form: m.sg.voc

знáй lemma: znaja 'know'
form: 2sg.imp

10: че+ lemma: če 'that'
form: conjunction

заради lemma: zaradi 'for'
form: preposition

ме́не lemma: az 'I'
form: 1sg.gen/acc

не+ lemma: ne 'no, not'
form: negation particle

е lemma: sъm 'be'
form: 3sg.prs

тáꙗ̀ lemma: toja 'that'
form: f.sg.nom

рабо́тà lemma: rabota 'work, thing, matter'
form: f.sg.nom

но+ lemma: no 'but'
form: conjunction

translation: ʺBut it is because of Christ, the saviour, my God, whom I pierced his ribs on the crossʺ

е lemma: sъm 'be'
form: 3sg.prs

заради lemma: zaradi 'for'
form: preposition

11: хр͒тà lemma: Xristos 'Christ'
form: m.sg.gen/acc (dep)

распе́таго lemma: razpъna 'crucify'
form: m.sg.gen/acc.lf (dep)
alt.analysis: ptcp.aor.pass

бг҃а lemma: bog 'god'
form: m.sg.gen/acc (dep)

моего lemma: moi 'my'
form: m.sg.gen/acc.lf (dep)

що+ lemma: što 'what'
form: interrogative

го lemma: toi 'he'
form: m.3sg.gen/acc (short)

҆ꙗ́ lemma: ja 'I'
form: 1sg.nom

пробо́_дохь lemma: proboda 'pierce'
form: 1sg.aor

12: на lemma: na 'on, to, for'
form: preposition

кр͒те lemma: krъst 'cross'
form: m.sg.loc

ва+ lemma: v 'in'
form: preposition

ре́бра+ lemma: rebro 'rib'
form: n.pl.nom/acc

та lemma: 'the'
form: n.pl.nom

та+ lemma: ta 'and, thus'
form: conjunction

translation: ʺand blood and water came outʺ

йсте́че lemma: izteka 'pour out'
form: 2/3sg.aor

крь́вь lemma: krъv 'blood'
form: f.sg.nom

13: ҆и+ lemma: i
form: conjunction

водà lemma: voda 'water'
form: f.sg.nom

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: ʺand the sun darkenedʺ

сл҃нце+ lemma: slъnce 'sun'
form: n.sg.nom/acc

то lemma: 'the'
form: n.sg.nom

по́мрькнꙋ lemma: pomrъkna 'become dark'
form: 2/3sg.aor

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: ʺand stones fell apartʺ

каменїе lemma: kamenie 'stone'
form: n.sg.nom/acc

рáспа_дá+ lemma: razpadam 'fall apart'
form: 2/3sg.aor

се lemma: se 'self'
form: refl.acc

14: ҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: ʺand the temple curtain toreʺ

цр҃ко́вна lemma: cъrkoven 'ecclesiastic'
form: f.sg.nom

заве́са lemma: zavesa 'curtain'
form: f.sg.nom

раздрá+ lemma: razdera 'tear'
form: 2/3sg.aor

се lemma: se 'self'
form: refl.acc

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: ʺand the stars fell from the skyʺ

ѕвездѝ lemma: zvezda 'star'
form: f.pl.nom/acc

15: те lemma: 'the'
form: f.pl.nom

ѿ lemma: ot 'from'
form: preposition

небо́+ lemma: nebe 'heaven, sky'
form: n.sg.nom/acc

то lemma: 'the'
form: n.sg.nom

попадáхꙋ lemma: popadam 'fall (a number of things)'
form: 3pl.aor/impf

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: ʺand there is this man, who had been dead, whom Christ revivedʺ

тꙋ́ка+ lemma: tuka 'here'
form: relative

е lemma: sъm 'be'
form: 3sg.prs

то҆ꙗ́ lemma: toja 'that'
form: m.sg.nom

чл҃век lemma: človek 'human'
form: m.sg.nom

16: дето+ lemma: deto 'which'
form: relative

го̀ lemma: toi 'he'
form: m.3sg.gen/acc (short)

хр͒то́сь lemma: Xristos 'Christ'
form: m.sg.nom

ѡ͒живѝ lemma: oživja 'resurrect'
form: 2/3sg.aor

мрьтвь̀ lemma: mъrtъv 'dead'
form: m.sg.nom

translation: ʺLazarus was deadʺ

бе́ше, lemma: sъm 'be'
form: 2/3sg.impf

17: лáзарь lemma: Lazar 'Lazarus'
form: m.sg.nom

па+ lemma: pa 'and then'
form: conjunction

translation: ʺand then he became aliveʺ

҆ѡживе lemma: oživeja 'become alive'
form: 2/3sg.aor

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: ʺand even more people were revived from the deadʺ

ѡщѐ lemma: ošte 'yet'
form: adverb

мло́го lemma: mlogo 'much'
form: adverb

лю́дие lemma: ljudie 'people'
form: m.pl.nom

҆ѡжи_веха lemma: oživeja 'become alive'
form: 3pl.aor/impf

18: ѿ lemma: ot 'from'
form: preposition

мрьтвихь lemma: mъrtъv 'dead'
form: n.sg.gen.lf

тоги́ва lemma: togiva 'then'
form: relative

translation: Then the king said:

ре́че lemma: reka 'say'
form: 2/3sg.aor

цр҃ь lemma: car 'king, emperor'
form: m.sg.nom

вь lemma: v 'in'
form: preposition

translation: ʺin truth, we believe (it)ʺ

҆и_стинꙋ lemma: istina 'truth'
form: f.sg.acc

19: верꙋ́ваме lemma: věrvam 'believe'
form: 1pl.prs

но+ lemma: no 'but'
form: conjunction

translation: ʺbut why did my home tremble because of youʺ

защо̀ lemma: zašto 'for'
form: interrogative

мо́й lemma: moi 'my'
form: m.sg.nom.lf

до́мь lemma: dom 'house'
form: m.sg.nom

за_радѝ lemma: zaradi 'for'
form: preposition

facsimilepage 118
[марта пилата] - [51][·мв·][60]
1: те́бе+ lemma: ti 'you'
form: 2sg.gen/acc (long)

се lemma: se 'self'
form: refl.acc

трꙋ́си lemma: tъrsja 'search'
form: 2/3sg.aor

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: ʺand we all got afraid of this awful earthquakeʺ

нїе lemma: nie 'we'
form: 1pl.nom

сви́+ lemma: sve 'all'
form: m.pl.nom

се lemma: se 'self'
form: refl.acc

бойме lemma: boja 'fear'
form: 1pl.prs

ѿ lemma: ot 'from'
form: preposition

2: то́҆ꙗ́ lemma: toja 'that'
form: m.sg.nom

стрáшни lemma: strašen 'terrible'
form: m.sg.nom.lf

трꙋсь lemma: trus 'shaking'
form: m.sg.nom

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: and Longinus said:

ре́че lemma: reka 'say'
form: 2/3sg.aor

логи́нь lemma: Login 'Longinus'
form: m.sg.nom

легомà lemma: legoma 'as if, because'
form: adverb

translation: ʺthat is, because his shirt is on meʺ

3: затовá+ lemma: zatova 'thus'
form: relative

е lemma: sъm 'be'
form: 3sg.prs

защо́+ lemma: zašto 'for'
form: interrogative

е lemma: sъm 'be'
form: 3sg.prs

ри́за+ lemma: riza 'shirt'
form: f.sg.nom

та lemma: 'the'
form: f.sg.nom

не́гова lemma: negov 'his'
form: f.sg.nom

на+ lemma: na 'on, to, for'
form: preposition

ме́не, lemma: az 'I'
form: 1sg.gen/acc

҆и lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: and the king told him:

4: ре́че+ lemma: reka 'say'
form: 2/3sg.aor

мꙋ lemma: toi 'he'
form: m.3sg.dat

цр҃ь lemma: car 'king, emperor'
form: m.sg.nom

҆изле́зь lemma: izlěza 'go out'
form: 2sg.imp

translation: ʺget out ʺ

нáдворь lemma: nadvor 'outside'
form: adverb

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: ʺand take off that shirtʺ

соблечѝ lemma: sъbleka 'put off clothes'
form: 2sg.imp

та҆ꙗ́ lemma: toja 'that'
form: f.sg.nom

5: ри́за lemma: riza 'shirt'
form: f.sg.nom

ѿ lemma: ot 'from'
form: preposition

се́бе lemma: se 'self'
form: refl.gen/acc

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: and when Longinus went out, there were no quakes nor fright in the palace of the king

кога lemma: koga 'when'
form: conjunction

вле́знꙋ lemma: vlězna 'enter'
form: 2/3sg.aor

логи́нь lemma: Login 'Longinus'
form: m.sg.nom

после lemma: posle 'afterwards'
form: adverb

lemma: u 'at'
form: preposition

6: полáти lemma: polata 'palace'
form: f.pl.nom/acc

цр҃ви lemma: carev 'king's'
form: f.pl.nom/acc

тоги́ва lemma: togiva 'then'
form: relative

вечѐ lemma: veče 'already, anymore, more'
form: adverb

не+ lemma: ne 'no, not'
form: negation particle

мà lemma: imam 'have'
form: 3sg.prs

ни́+ lemma: ni 'nor'
form: negation particle

трꙋс lemma: trus 'shaking'
form: m.sg.nom

7: ни́ lemma: ni 'nor'
form: negation particle

страх lemma: strax 'fear'
form: m.sg.nom

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: And in that time, the king had scrofula on his nose

ꙋ+ lemma: u 'at'
form: preposition

товà lemma: tova 'that'
form: n.sg.nom

вре́ме lemma: vreme 'time, weather'
form: n.sg.nom/acc

҆имашѐ lemma: imam 'have'
form: 2/3sg.impf

цр҃ь lemma: car 'king, emperor'
form: m.sg.nom

жи́ви_ни́ца lemma: živenica 'scrofula'
form: f.sg.nom

8: на+ lemma: na 'on, to, for'
form: preposition

но́сь lemma: nos 'nose'
form: m.sg.nom

зла lemma: zъl 'evil, angry'
form: f.sg.nom

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: and it hurt him a lot

мло́го+ lemma: mlogo 'much'
form: adverb

мꙋ lemma: toi 'he'
form: m.3sg.dat

пáкось lemma: pakost 'disturbance, injury'
form: f.sg.nom

чи́неше lemma: činja 'do'
form: 2/3sg.impf

9: ҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: and the doctors could not heal him

не+ lemma: ne 'no, not'
form: negation particle

може́хꙋ lemma: moga 'can'
form: 2/3sg.impf

хекимџи́е lemma: xekimdži 'doctor'
form: m.pl.nom

да+ lemma: da 'to'
form: conjunction

го̀ lemma: toi 'he'
form: m.3sg.gen/acc (short)

҆исце́лать lemma: izcelja 'heal'
form: 3pl.prs

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: and the king said:

ре́_че lemma: reka 'say'
form: 2/3sg.aor

10: цр҃ь lemma: car 'king, emperor'
form: m.sg.nom

да+ lemma: da 'to'
form: conjunction

translation: ʺif this man was here now, he would have healed meʺ

бе́ше lemma: sъm 'be'
form: 2/3sg.impf

то́ꙗ lemma: toja 'that'
form: m.sg.nom

чл҃векь lemma: človek 'human'
form: m.sg.nom

сегà lemma: sega 'now'
form: adverb

тꙋ́ка lemma: tuka 'here'
form: relative

та lemma: ta 'and, thus'
form: conjunction

11: би́+ lemma: sъm 'be'
form: 2/3sg.cond

ме lemma: az 'I'
form: 1sg.acc

҆исце́лиль lemma: izcelja 'heal'
form: l-ptcp

ѿ+ lemma: ot 'from'
form: preposition

тáꙗ̀ lemma: toja 'that'
form: f.sg.nom

болесть lemma: bolest 'illness'
form: f.sg.nom

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: and Martha said:

мáрта lemma: Marta 'Martha'
form: f.sg.nom

ре́_че lemma: reka 'say'
form: 2/3sg.aor

12: гд͒и́не lemma: gospodin 'lord'
form: m.sg.voc

translation: ʺLord, even when this man is in the heavenʺ

т҆о҆ꙗ́ lemma: toja 'that'
form: m.sg.nom

чл҃ве́кь lemma: človek 'human'
form: m.sg.nom

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

на+ lemma: na 'on, to, for'
form: preposition

небо́+ lemma: nebe 'heaven, sky'
form: n.sg.nom/acc

то lemma: 'the'
form: n.sg.nom

да+ lemma: da 'to'
form: conjunction

е lemma: sъm 'be'
form: 3sg.prs

тѝ lemma: ti 'you'
form: 2sg.nom

translation: ʺYou, mention his nameʺ

13: поменѝ lemma: pomena 'remember'
form: 2sg.imp

него́во lemma: negov 'his'
form: n.sg.nom/acc

҆име lemma: ime 'name'
form: n.sg.nom/acc

҆о́нь lemma: on 'he'
form: m.3sg.nom

translation: ʺHe will heal you anywayʺ

ще+ lemma: šta 'want'
form: 3sg.prs

те́бе lemma: ti 'you'
form: 2sg.gen/acc (long)

пáкь lemma: pak 'again'
form: adverb

҆и_сце́ли lemma: izcelja 'heal'
form: 2sg.imp

14: ҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: and the king said:

ре́че lemma: reka 'say'
form: 2/3sg.aor

цр҃ь lemma: car 'king, emperor'
form: m.sg.nom

мáрто lemma: Marta 'Martha'
form: f.sg.voc

translation: ʺo Martha, what should I say?ʺ

какво̀ lemma: kakvo 'what'
form: interrogative

да+ lemma: da 'to'
form: conjunction

рече́мь lemma: reka 'say'
form: 1sg.prs

15: на+ lemma: na 'on, to, for'
form: preposition

translation: ʺBy which name should I call him?ʺ

какво lemma: kakvo 'what'
form: n.sg.nom

҆име lemma: ime 'name'
form: n.sg.nom/acc

да+ lemma: da 'to'
form: conjunction

го̀ lemma: toi 'he'
form: m.3sg.gen/acc (short)

пови́камь lemma: povikam 'call'
form: 1sg.prs

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: and Martha said:

мáрта lemma: Marta 'Martha'
form: f.sg.nom

16: ре́че lemma: reka 'say'
form: 2/3sg.aor

цр҃ꙋ lemma: car 'king, emperor'
form: m.sg.voc

translation: ʺo king, make the cross on your illness three timesʺ

пре́_кр͒ти lemma: prekrъstja 'cross (gesture)'
form: 2sg.imp

та҆ꙗ̀ lemma: toja 'that'
form: f.sg.nom

бо́лесь lemma: bolest 'illness'
form: f.sg.nom

трѝ lemma: tri 'three'
form: text numeral

пꙋ́ти lemma: pъt '(marker of repetition)'
form: m.pl.nom

17: ҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: ʺand say:ʺ

речи lemma: reka 'say'
form: 2sg.imp

.:. lemma: .:.
form: -

translation: ʺin the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spiritʺ

во+ lemma: v 'in'
form: preposition

҆име lemma: ime 'name'
form: n.sg.nom/acc

.:. lemma: .:.
form: -

҆о́ц҃а lemma: otec 'father'
form: m.sg.nom

.:. lemma: .:.
form: -

҆и+ lemma: i
form: conjunction

сн҃а lemma: sin 'son'
form: m.sg.nom

.:. lemma: .:.
form: -

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

ст҃аго lemma: svęt 'saint'
form: m.sg.gen/acc.lf (dep)

.:. lemma: .:.
form: -

дх҃а lemma: dux 'spirit'
form: m.sg.gen/acc (dep)

18: ҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: and the king did as Martha told him

ꙋчини lemma: učinja 'do'
form: 2/3sg.aor

цр҃ь lemma: car 'king, emperor'
form: m.sg.nom

тако́й lemma: taka 'thus'
form: relative

какво́+ lemma: kakvo 'what'
form: interrogative

мꙋ lemma: toi 'he'
form: m.3sg.dat

ре́че lemma: reka 'say'
form: 2/3sg.aor

мáрта lemma: Marta 'Martha'
form: f.sg.nom

19: ҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: and then that scrofula fell off the king and on the table

тоги́ва lemma: togiva 'then'
form: relative

҆испáде lemma: ispasti 'fall out'
form: 2/3sg.aor

҆о́нáꙗ lemma: onja 'that'
form: f.sg.nom

живини́ца lemma: živenica 'scrofula'
form: f.sg.nom

пред lemma: pred 'in front'
form: preposition

цр҃а lemma: car 'king, emperor'
form: preposition

facsimilepage 119
[слово како ѡсꙋди]
1: на+ lemma: na 'on, to, for'
form: preposition

трьпе́за lemma: trapeza 'table'
form: f.sg.nom

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: and as the king saw it

когѝ lemma: kogi 'when'
form: interrogative

видѐ lemma: vidja 'see'
form: 2/3sg.aor

товà lemma: tova 'that'
form: n.sg.nom

цр҃ь lemma: car 'king, emperor'
form: m.sg.nom

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: he understood that this man holds the whole world (in his power)

разꙋмѐ lemma: razumeja 'understand'
form: 2/3sg.aor

2: защо̀ lemma: zašto 'for'
form: interrogative

то҆ꙗ́ lemma: toja 'that'
form: m.sg.nom

чл҃векь lemma: človek 'human'
form: m.sg.nom

сь́вь lemma: sve 'all'
form: m.sg.nom

ст҃ь lemma: svęt 'saint'
form: m.sg.nom

дрьжѝ lemma: dъrža 'hold'
form: 3sg.prs

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: (as he) created the heavens and the earth

що_то́+ lemma: štoto 'which'
form: relative

е lemma: sъm 'be'
form: 3sg.prs

3: направи́ль lemma: napravja 'make'
form: l-ptcp

нб҃о lemma: nebe 'heaven, sky'
form: n.sg.nom/acc

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

зе́млю lemma: zemlja 'land, earth'
form: f.sg.acc

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: and his heart rejoiced

зарадꙋ́ва+ lemma: zaradvam 'rejoice'
form: 2/3sg.aor

се: lemma: se 'self'
form: refl.acc

4: срдце+ lemma: sъrdce 'heart'
form: n.sg.nom/acc

то lemma: 'the'
form: n.sg.nom

него́во lemma: negov 'his'
form: n.sg.nom/acc

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: and trembling he fell towards Lazarus and Longinus

сась lemma: s 'with'
form: preposition

тре́перанїе lemma: treperene
form: n.sg.nom/acc

припáде lemma: pripasti 'fall to'
form: 2/3sg.aor

5: при+ lemma: pri 'by'
form: preposition

лáзара lemma: Lazar 'Lazarus'
form: m.sg.gen/acc (dep)

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

при+ lemma: pri 'by'
form: preposition

логи́на lemma: Login 'Longinus'
form: m.sg.gen/acc (dep)

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: and the king told them:

дꙋмаше lemma: dumam 'speak'
form: 2/3sg.impf

҆имь lemma: 'they'
form: 3pl.dat

цр҃ь lemma: car 'king, emperor'
form: m.sg.nom

6: кр͒те́те+ lemma: krъstja 'baptize'
form: 2pl.imp

translation: ʺBaptize me in the name of Christ!ʺ

ме. lemma: az 'I'
form: 1sg.acc

во lemma: v 'in'
form: preposition

҆име. lemma: ime 'name'
form: n.sg.nom/acc

хр͒тово lemma: xristov
form: n.sg.nom/acc

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: and they baptized him

ѡни́+ lemma: oni 'they'
form: m.3pl.nom

го lemma: toi 'he'
form: m.3sg.gen/acc (short)

кр͒ти́ха lemma: krъstja 'baptize'
form: 3pl.aor/impf

7: ҆и lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: and he took his entire army

сь_брá+ lemma: sъbera 'collect'
form: 2/3sg.aor

си lemma: se 'self'
form: refl.dat

свá+ lemma: sve 'all'
form: f.sg.nom

та lemma: 'the'
form: f.sg.nom

войска lemma: voiska 'army'
form: f.sg.nom

него́ва lemma: negov 'his'
form: f.sg.nom

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: and went against Jerusalem

҆ѡтидѐ lemma: otida 'leave, go away'
form: 2/3sg.aor

8: на lemma: na 'on, to, for'
form: preposition

҆ерꙋсали́мь lemma: Ierusalim 'Jerusalem'
form: m.sg.nom

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: and he gathered all the Hebrew law scholars, bishops, dukes, and boyars

сьбра lemma: sъbera 'collect'
form: 2/3sg.aor

сви́+ lemma: sve 'all'
form: m.pl.nom

те lemma: 'the'
form: f.pl.nom

еврейски lemma: evreiski 'of Jews, Hebrews'
form: m.pl.nom

кни́_жни́ци lemma: knižnik 'scribe'
form: m.pl.nom

9: ҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

влдци lemma: vladika 'lord, bishop'
form: f.pl.nom/acc

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

дрꙋ́ги lemma: drug 'other'
form: m.pl.nom

воево́ди lemma: voivoda 'duke, general'
form: f.pl.nom/acc

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

болꙗ́ре lemma: boljarin 'boyar, noble'
form: m.pl.nom

҆и lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: and ordered to behead them

10: повелѐ lemma: povelja 'give an order'
form: 2/3sg.aor

да+ lemma: da 'to'
form: conjunction

ги lemma: 'they'
form: 3pl.nom

посечꙋ́ть lemma: poseka 'cut down'
form: 3pl.prs

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: and they beheaded them so that darkness fell on them out of Heaven

секо́ха+ lemma: seka 'cut'
form: 2/3sg.aor

ги lemma: 'they'
form: 3pl.nom

догдѐ lemma: dogde 'until'
form: relative

11: пáднꙋ lemma: padna 'fall'
form: 2/3sg.aor

мрáкь lemma: mrak 'cloud, twilight'
form: m.sg.nom

ѿ lemma: ot 'from'
form: preposition

небо́+ lemma: nebe 'heaven, sky'
form: n.sg.nom/acc

то lemma: 'the'
form: n.sg.nom

на+ lemma: na 'on, to, for'
form: preposition

ни́хь lemma: 'they'
form: 3pl.gen/acc (short)

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: and they beheaded their wives and children

12: секо́ха lemma: seka 'cut'
form: 3pl.aor/impf

ймь lemma: 'they'
form: 3pl.dat

жени+ lemma: žena 'woman'
form: f.sg.nom

те lemma: 'the'
form: f.pl.nom

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

децá+ lemma: deto 'which'
form: n.sg.nom/acc

та lemma: 'the'
form: n.pl.nom

ймь lemma: 'they'
form: 3pl.dat

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: and when this darkness fell from Heaven like fog and nobody alive is seen on this world, the king said to stop the retaliation

когѝ lemma: kogi 'when'
form: relative

пáднꙋ: lemma: padna 'fall'
form: 2/3sg.aor

13: тмà lemma: tъma 'darkness'
form: f.sg.nom

ѿ+ lemma: ot 'from'
form: preposition

небо́+ lemma: nebe 'heaven, sky'
form: n.sg.nom/acc

то lemma: 'the'
form: n.sg.nom

ть́мна lemma: tъmen 'dark'
form: f.sg.nom

като lemma: kato 'as'
form: conjunction

магла lemma: mъgla 'mist'
form: f.sg.nom

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

нѝ_що+ lemma: ništo 'nothing'
form: negative

се lemma: se 'self'
form: refl.acc

14: жи́во lemma: živ 'alive'
form: n.sg.nom/acc

не+ lemma: ne 'no, not'
form: negation particle

ви́ди lemma: vidja 'see'
form: 3sg.prs

по+ lemma: po 'after, along, according to'
form: preposition

то́ꙗ lemma: toja 'that'
form: m.sg.nom

ст҃ь lemma: svět 'world, light'
form: m.sg.nom

тоги́ва lemma: togiva 'then'
form: relative

15: ре́че lemma: reka 'say'
form: 2/3sg.aor

цр҃ь lemma: car 'king, emperor'
form: m.sg.nom

да+ lemma: da 'to'
form: conjunction

престáнꙋть lemma: prestana 'cease'
form: 3sg.prs

ѿсче́нїе lemma: otsečenie 'cruelty, massacre'
form: n.sg.nom/acc

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: and the massacre ended

престá_нꙋ lemma: prestana 'cease'
form: 2/3sg.aor

16: се́чь lemma: seč 'massacre'
form: m.sg.nom

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: and the darkness and the fog raised from the beheaded people

ди́гнꙋ+ lemma: digna 'raise'
form: 2/3sg.aor

се lemma: se 'self'
form: refl.acc

тмá+ lemma: tъma 'darkness'
form: f.sg.nom

та lemma: 'the'
form: f.sg.nom

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

маглá+ lemma: mъgla 'mist'
form: f.sg.nom

та lemma: 'the'
form: f.sg.nom

ѿ lemma: ot 'from'
form: preposition

17: ҆исеченї+ lemma: izseka 'mow down'
form: m.pl.nom
alt.analysis: ptcp.aor.pass

те lemma: 'the'
form: m.pl.nom

лю́дие lemma: ljudie 'people'
form: m.pl.nom

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: and the king counted them

преброй+ lemma: prebroja 'count through'
form: 2/3sg.aor

ги lemma: 'they'
form: 3pl.gen/acc (short)

цр҃ь lemma: car 'king, emperor'
form: m.sg.nom

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: and he found 12'000 beheaded people

найде lemma: naida 'find'
form: 2/3sg.aor

18: ·вı· lemma: 12
form: alphabetic number

хи́лꙗди lemma: xiljada 'thousand'
form: f.pl.nom/acc

лю́дие lemma: ljudie 'people'
form: m.pl.nom

҆исе́чени lemma: izseka 'mow down'
form: m.pl.nom
alt.analysis: ptcp.aor.pass

҆á+ lemma: a 'and, but'
form: conjunction

translation: but those that had run away were alive and the king forgave them

дето lemma: deto 'which'
form: relative

бе́ха lemma: sъm 'be'
form: 3pl.aor/impf

19: ꙋтекли lemma: uteka 'run away'
form: l-ptcp

жи́ви lemma: živ 'alive'
form: m.pl.nom

҆á+ lemma: a 'and, but'
form: conjunction

цр҃ь lemma: car 'king, emperor'
form: m.sg.nom

ни́хь lemma: 'they'
form: 3pl.gen/acc (short)

҆ѡпро́сти lemma: oprostja 'forgive'
form: 2/3sg.aor

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: and separated them by two per every city

ра_здели́+ lemma: razdelja 'separate, distribute'
form: 2/3sg.aor

ги lemma: 'they'
form: 3pl.gen/acc (short)

facsimilepage 120
[гюргѡ првак][марта пилата] - [·мг·][52]
1: на lemma: na 'on, to, for'
form: preposition

свáки lemma: sveki 'every'
form: m.sg.nom

грáдь lemma: grad 'city'
form: m.sg.nom

по+ lemma: po 'after, along, according to'
form: preposition

дво́йца lemma: dvoica 'pair'
form: f.sg.nom

а lemma: a 'and, but'
form: conjunction

translation: and they caught (Pontius) Pilate and put him in chains

2: пилáта lemma: Pilat 'Pilate'
form: m.sg.gen/acc (dep)

фанáхꙋ lemma: fana 'catch'
form: 3pl.aor/impf

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

ѡковáха+ lemma: okova 'wrap in metal'
form: 3pl.aor/impf

го lemma: toi 'he'
form: m.3sg.gen/acc (short)

ꙋ+ lemma: u 'at'
form: preposition

си́нџи́рь lemma: sindžir 'chains'
form: m.sg.nom

3: ҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: And then Pilate prayed

тоги́ва lemma: togiva 'then'
form: relative

моле́ше+ lemma: molja 'pray'
form: 2/3sg.impf

се lemma: se 'self'
form: refl.acc

пилáть lemma: Pilat 'Pilate'
form: m.sg.nom

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: and he said:

дꙋмаше: lemma: dumam 'speak'
form: 2/3sg.impf

4: гд͒и́не lemma: Gospodin
form: m.sg.voc

translation: ʺLord, do not quickly behead meʺ

не+ lemma: ne 'no, not'
form: negation particle

де́й lemma: dějati 'do'
form: 2sg.imp

да+ lemma: da 'to'
form: conjunction

посече́шь lemma: poseka 'cut down'
form: 2sg.prs

мене lemma: az 'I'
form: 1sg.gen/acc

ско́ро lemma: skoro 'quickly, shortly afterwards'
form: adverb

но+ lemma: no 'but'
form: conjunction

translation: ʺbut torture me fiercely as I am too added to the herd of the chosenʺ

дá_й+ lemma: dam 'give'
form: 2sg.imp

ми lemma: az 'I'
form: 1sg.dat

5: мꙋче́нїе lemma: mъčenie 'torture'
form: n.sg.nom/acc

лю́то lemma: ljut 'fierce'
form: n.sg.nom/acc

дано̀ lemma: dano 'may'
form: particle

бꙋ́демь lemma: bъda 'become'
form: 1sg.prs

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

lemma: ja 'I'
form: 1sg.nom

при_чете́нь lemma: pričeta 'count among'
form: m.sg.nom
alt.analysis: ptcp.aor.pass

6: ва lemma: v 'in'
form: preposition

стáдо lemma: stado 'herd'
form: n.sg.nom/acc

҆избрáное lemma: izbera 'choose'
form: n.sg.nom/acc.lf
alt.analysis: ptcp.aor.pass

тоги́ва lemma: togiva 'then'
form: relative

translation: Then Augustus fiercely tortured Pilate

҆áвьгꙋсть lemma: Avgust
form: m.sg.nom

7: цр҃ь lemma: car 'king, emperor'
form: m.sg.nom

мꙋчѝ lemma: mъča 'torture'
form: 2/3sg.aor

пи́лата lemma: Pilat 'Pilate'
form: m.sg.gen/acc (dep)

ѕлѐ lemma: zle 'badly'
form: adverb

҆á+ lemma: a 'and, but'
form: conjunction

translation: and Pilate looked up to the sky

пилáть lemma: Pilat 'Pilate'
form: m.sg.nom

гле́даше: lemma: gledam 'watch'
form: 2/3sg.impf

8: го́ре lemma: gore 'upward'
form: adverb

на lemma: na 'on, to, for'
form: preposition

нб҃са lemma: nebe 'heaven, sky'
form: n.pl.nom/acc

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: and he prayed to God

мо́леше+ lemma: molja 'pray'
form: 2/3sg.impf

се lemma: se 'self'
form: refl.acc

бг҃ꙋ lemma: bog 'god'
form: m.sg.dat

҆и lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: and he said:

дꙋ́маше lemma: dumam 'speak'
form: 2/3sg.impf

поми́_лꙋй+ lemma: pomilvam 'have mercy'
form: 2sg.imp

translation: ʺo God, have mercy on meʺ

ме lemma: az 'I'
form: 1sg.acc

9: бж҃е lemma: bog 'god'
form: m.sg.voc

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: ʺAnd receive me in your kingdomʺ

прїйми́+ lemma: priema 'accept, receive'
form: 2sg.imp

ме lemma: az 'I'
form: 1sg.acc

ва lemma: v 'in'
form: preposition

цр͒тво̀ lemma: carstvo 'kingdom'
form: n.sg.nom/acc

твоѐ lemma: tvoi 'your'
form: n.sg.nom/acc.lf

҆и lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: and Pilate's voice was heard in Heaven

10: чꙋ́+ lemma: čuja 'hear'
form: 2/3sg.aor

се lemma: se 'self'
form: refl.acc

глáсь lemma: glas 'voice, tone'
form: m.sg.nom

пилáтовь lemma: pilatov
form: m.sg.nom

на lemma: na 'on, to, for'
form: preposition

нб҃са lemma: nebe 'heaven, sky'
form: n.pl.nom/acc

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: and the Lord said:

дꙋмаше lemma: dumam 'speak'
form: 2/3sg.impf

гд͒ь lemma: Gospod 'Lord'
form: m.sg.nom

11: радꙋй+ lemma: radvam 'be happy'
form: 2sg.imp

translation: ʺRejoice my belovedʺ

се lemma: se 'self'
form: refl.acc

возлюбле́ни́ lemma: vъzljubja 'love, be dear'
form: m.sg.nom.lf
alt.analysis: ptcp.aor.pass

мо́й lemma: moi 'my'
form: m.pl.nom.lf

пре́дь lemma: pred 'in front'
form: preposition

translation: ʺIn front of my Father's throne, your head will stand, Pilate, until the Second Comingʺ

престо́ль: lemma: prestol 'throne'
form: m.sg.nom

12: ҆оц҃а lemma: otec 'father'
form: m.sg.gen/acc (dep)

мое́го lemma: moi 'my'
form: m.sg.gen/acc.lf (dep)

ще+ lemma: šta 'want'
form: 3sg.prs

да lemma: da 'to'
form: conjunction

сто́й lemma: stoja 'stand'
form: 3sg.prs

тво҆ꙗ́+ lemma: tvoi 'your'
form: f.sg.nom.lf

та lemma: 'the'
form: f.sg.nom

глáва lemma: glava 'head'
form: f.sg.nom

пи́_лáте lemma: Pilat 'Pilate'
form: m.sg.voc

13: до+ lemma: do 'until'
form: preposition

фто́ро lemma: vtori 'second'
form: n.sg.nom/acc

прише́ствїе. lemma: prišestvie 'advent, coming'
form: n.sg.nom/acc

҆и lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: and a servant of the king chopped off his head

ѿ_се́че+ lemma: otseka 'cut off'
form: 2/3sg.aor

мꙋ lemma: toi 'he'
form: m.3sg.dat

гла_вá+ lemma: glava 'head'
form: f.sg.nom

та lemma: 'the'
form: f.sg.nom

14: слꙋгà lemma: sluga 'servant'
form: f.sg.nom

цр҃ева lemma: carev 'king's'
form: f.sg.nom

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: and an angel of God took it

ꙋзе+ lemma: uzema 'take'
form: 2/3sg.aor

҆ꙗ́ lemma: tja 'she'
form: f.3sg.acc (short)

҆áг҃гель lemma: angel 'angel'
form: m.sg.nom

гд͒нь lemma: gospodin 'lord'
form: m.sg.nom

҆и lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: and carried it to Heaven

15: зане́се+ lemma: zanesa 'bring'
form: 2/3sg.aor

lemma: tja 'she'
form: f.3sg.acc (short)

нá lemma: na 'on, to, for'
form: preposition

нб҃са lemma: nebe 'heaven, sky'
form: n.pl.nom/acc

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: and then Caiaphas fled into the desert

тоги́ва lemma: togiva 'then'
form: relative

каиафь lemma: Kajaf 'Caiaphas'
form: m.sg.nom

по_бегнꙋ lemma: poběgna 'run away'
form: 2/3sg.aor

16: ва lemma: v 'in'
form: preposition

пꙋ́стиню lemma: pustinja 'desert'
form: f.sg.acc

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: and he hid himself in a hidden place

скри́+ lemma: skrija 'hide'
form: 2/3sg.aor

се lemma: se 'self'
form: refl.acc

҆ꙗ́ко lemma: jako 'very much'
form: adverb

на+ lemma: na 'on, to, for'
form: preposition

скри́то lemma: skrija 'hide'
form: n.sg.nom/acc
alt.analysis: ptcp.aor.pass

17: ме́сто lemma: město 'place'
form: n.sg.nom/acc

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: And 20 days after Pilate's death, king Augustus left for a hunt

когѝ+ lemma: kogi 'when'
form: interrogative

бѝ lemma: bъda 'become'
form: 2/3sg.aor

·и· lemma: 20
form: alphabetic number

де́нь lemma: den 'day'
form: m.sg.nom

по+ lemma: po 'after, along, according to'
form: preposition

самрь́ть lemma: smъrt 'death'
form: f.sg.nom

пи_лато́ва lemma: pilatov
form: f.sg.nom

18: ҆изле́зе lemma: izlěza 'go out'
form: 2/3sg.aor

цр҃ь lemma: car 'king, emperor'
form: m.sg.nom

҆áвгꙋсть lemma: Avgust
form: m.sg.nom

на+ lemma: na 'on, to, for'
form: preposition

лло́вь lemma: lov 'hunt'
form: m.sg.nom

и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: and he chased deers with his greyhounds

испꙋ́ди lemma: izpъdja 'expel'
form: 2/3sg.aor

19: рогáче lemma: rogač 'deer'
form: m.pl.nom

сась lemma: s 'with'
form: preposition

хрьти+ lemma: xrъt 'greyhound'
form: m.pl.nom

те lemma: 'the'
form: m.pl.nom

сво́й lemma: svoi 'of oneself'
form: m.pl.nom.lf

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: and there was a cave

тамо lemma: tamo 'there'
form: adverb

҆имаше lemma: imam 'have'
form: 2/3sg.impf

facsimilepage 121
[слово како ѡсꙋди]
1: пе́щера lemma: peštera 'cave'
form: f.sg.nom

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: and a deer was in front of the cave where Caiaphas had hidden himself

станꙋ lemma: stana 'become, stand up'
form: 2/3sg.aor

рогáчь lemma: rogač 'deer'
form: m.sg.nom

пре́дь lemma: pred 'in front'
form: preposition

пеще́ра+ lemma: peštera 'cave'
form: f.sg.nom

2: тà lemma: 'the'
form: f.sg.nom

дето+ lemma: deto 'which'
form: relative

се lemma: se 'self'
form: refl.acc

бе́ше lemma: sъm 'be'
form: 2/3sg.impf

скри́ль lemma: skrija 'hide'
form: l-ptcp

кайꙗфь lemma: Kajaf 'Caiaphas'
form: m.sg.nom

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: and the king shot an arrow on the deer

цр҃ь lemma: car 'king, emperor'
form: m.sg.nom

пꙋщѝ lemma: pustja 'let'
form: 2/3sg.aor

3: стре́лꙋ lemma: strela 'arrow'
form: f.sg.acc

на+ lemma: na 'on, to, for'
form: preposition

рогáча lemma: rogač 'deer'
form: m.sg.gen/acc (dep)

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: and the arrow, as it flew, it missed the deer

стрелá+ lemma: strela 'arrow'
form: f.sg.nom

та lemma: 'the'
form: f.sg.nom

като lemma: kato 'as'
form: conjunction

ле́ти lemma: letja 'fly'
form: 2/3sg.aor

4: та+ lemma: ta 'and, thus'
form: conjunction

зами́нꙋ lemma: zamina 'miss, pass around'
form: 2/3sg.aor

рꙋгáча lemma: rogač 'deer'
form: m.sg.gen/acc (dep)

та lemma: ta 'and, thus'
form: conjunction

translation: and it hit Caiaphas in the heart

ꙋдáри lemma: udarja 'strike'
form: 2/3sg.aor

кайафа lemma: Kajaf 'Caiaphas'
form: m.sg.gen/acc (dep)

lemma: u 'at'
form: preposition

5: срдце+ lemma: sъrdce 'heart'
form: n.sg.nom/acc

то lemma: 'the'
form: n.sg.nom

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: and a boy of the king went to get the arrow

҆ѡтидѐ lemma: otida 'leave, go away'
form: 2/3sg.aor

момь́кь lemma: momъk 'boy'
form: m.sg.nom

цр҃евь lemma: carev 'king's'
form: m.sg.nom

да+ lemma: da 'to'
form: conjunction

зе́ме lemma: zema 'take'
form: 2/3sg.aor

стре_ла+ lemma: strela 'arrow'
form: f.sg.nom

та lemma: 'the'
form: f.sg.nom

6: ҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: and he found Caiaphas being shot and moaning

найде lemma: naida 'find'
form: 2/3sg.aor

кáйафа lemma: Kajaf 'Caiaphas'
form: m.sg.gen/acc (dep)

ꙋстре́лень lemma: ustrelja 'shoot'
form: m.sg.nom
alt.analysis: ptcp.aor.pass

лежѝ lemma: lъža 'lie'
form: 2/3sg.aor

҆и lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

7: сте́нꙗ lemma: stena 'moan'
form: 2/3sg.aor

҆á+ lemma: a 'and, but'
form: conjunction

translation: and the king went

цр҃ь lemma: car 'king, emperor'
form: m.sg.nom

ꙋти́де lemma: otida 'leave, go away'
form: 2/3sg.aor

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: and saw (him)

виде lemma: vidja 'see'
form: 2/3sg.aor

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: and he wondered what it might be

почꙋ́ди+ lemma: počudja 'wonder'
form: 2/3sg.aor

се lemma: se 'self'
form: refl.acc

каквà lemma: kakъv 'what kind of'
form: f.sg.nom

8: би lemma: bъda 'become'
form: 2/3sg.aor

таꙗ lemma: toja 'that'
form: f.sg.nom

рáбота lemma: rabota 'work, thing, matter'
form: f.sg.nom

҆ꙗ́+ lemma: tja 'she'
form: f.3sg.acc (short)

translation: ʺI shot at a deerʺ

стрелнáхь lemma: strelna 'shoot'
form: 3pl.aor/impf

на+ lemma: na 'on, to, for'
form: preposition

рогáча lemma: rogač 'deer'
form: m.sg.gen/acc (dep)

9: а+ lemma: a 'and, but'
form: conjunction

translation: ʺand I hit Caiaphas!ʺ

҆ꙗ́ lemma: tja 'she'
form: f.3sg.acc (short)

ꙋстрели́хь lemma: ustrelna 'shoot'
form: 2/3sg.aor

кайафꙋ lemma: Kajaf 'Caiaphas'
form: m.sg.dat

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: and the king wanted to ask Caiaphas something

цр҃ь lemma: car 'king, emperor'
form: m.sg.nom

ще́ше lemma: šta 'want'
form: 2/3sg.impf

не́що lemma: nešto 'something'
form: indefinite

10: да+ lemma: da 'to'
form: conjunction

попи́та lemma: popitam 'ask'
form: 3sg.prs

кайафꙋ lemma: Kajaf 'Caiaphas'
form: m.sg.dat

догдѐ lemma: dogde 'until'
form: relative

translation: but before (the king) came to (Caiaphas), he died

цр҃ь lemma: car 'king, emperor'
form: m.sg.nom

да+ lemma: da 'to'
form: conjunction

ѡти́де lemma: otida 'leave, go away'
form: 2/3sg.aor

11: при+ lemma: pri 'by'
form: preposition

не́го lemma: toi 'he'
form: m.3sg.gen/acc (long)

҆á+ lemma: a 'and, but'
form: conjunction

҆онь lemma: on 'he'
form: m.3sg.nom

҆изь_дь́хна lemma: izdъxna 'sigh out'
form: 2/3sg.aor

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: and the king said:

ре́че lemma: reka 'say'
form: 2/3sg.aor

цр҃ь lemma: car 'king, emperor'
form: m.sg.nom

сла_ва lemma: slava 'glory'
form: f.sg.nom

translation: ʺGlory to you, o Christ, our Godʺ

12: те́бе lemma: ti 'you'
form: 2sg.gen/acc (long)

хр͒тѐ lemma: Xristos 'Christ'
form: m.sg.voc

бж҃е lemma: bog 'god'
form: m.sg.voc

нáшь lemma: naš 'our'
form: m.sg.nom

защо́+ lemma: zašto 'for'
form: relative

translation: ʺbecause your work is great and frightfulʺ

е lemma: sъm 'be'
form: 3sg.prs

вели́ка lemma: velik 'great'
form: f.sg.nom

13: ҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

стрáшна lemma: strašen 'terrible'
form: f.sg.nom

тво҆ꙗ́+ lemma: tvoi 'your'
form: f.sg.nom.lf

та lemma: 'the'
form: f.sg.nom

рáбота lemma: rabota 'work, thing, matter'
form: f.sg.nom

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

translation: and who has not seen these wonders, he might better believe in the one divine son

ко́йто lemma: koito 'who'
form: m.sg.nom

не+ lemma: ne 'no, not'
form: negation particle

е lemma: sъm 'be'
form: 3sg.prs

14: ви́дель lemma: vidja 'see'
form: l-ptcp

тá҆ꙗ lemma: toja 'that'
form: n.pl.nom

чꙋде́са lemma: čudo 'miracle'
form: n.pl.nom/acc

҆á+ lemma: a 'and, but'
form: conjunction

҆ѡнь lemma: on 'he'
form: m.3sg.nom

по+ lemma: po (2) '(comparative particle)'
form: degree particle

добрѐ lemma: dobre 'well'
form: adverb

да+ lemma: da 'to'
form: conjunction

ве_рꙋва lemma: věrvam 'believe'
form: 3sg.prs

15: ва+ lemma: v
form: preposition

еди́наго lemma: edin 'one'
form: m.sg.gen/acc.lf (dep)

си́на lemma: sin 'son'
form: m.sg.gen/acc (dep)

бж҃иа lemma: boži
form: m.sg.gen/acc (dep)

прїйми lemma: priema 'accept, receive'
form: 2sg.imp

translation: accept my prayers of supplication

мо_ли́тви lemma: molitva 'prayer'
form: f.pl.nom/acc

16: мо҃ле́нїꙗ lemma: molenie 'praying'
form: n.sg.gen

мое́го lemma: moi 'my'
form: m.sg.gen/acc.lf (dep)

.:. lemma: .:.
form: -

во lemma: v 'in'
form: preposition

translation: in the name of Father and Son and the Holy Spirit

҆име lemma: ime 'name'
form: n.sg.nom/acc

҆оц҃а, lemma: otec 'father'
form: m.sg.gen/acc (dep)

҆и+ lemma: i
form: conjunction

сн҃а lemma: sin 'son'
form: m.sg.gen/acc (dep)

17: ҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

ст҃аго lemma: svęt 'saint'
form: m.sg.gen/acc.lf (dep)

дх҃а lemma: dux 'spirit'
form: m.sg.gen/acc (dep)

нынѣ̀ lemma: nyně 'now'
form: adverb

translation: now and ever and forever

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

при́сно lemma: prisno 'always'
form: adverb

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

во+ lemma: v 'in'
form: preposition

ве́ки lemma: vek 'age, world'
form: m.pl.nom

ве_ко́вь lemma: vek 'age, world'
form: m.pl.gen

18: .:. lemma: .:.
form: -

ами́нь lemma: amin 'amen'
form: interjection

translation: amen

.:. lemma: .:.
form: -

рече lemma: reka 'say'
form: 2/3sg.aor

translation: say: o Lord, we believe

.:. lemma: .:.
form: -

гд͒ь lemma: Gospod 'Lord'
form: m.sg.nom

.:. lemma: .:.
form: -

верꙋвáй lemma: věrvam 'believe'
form: 2sg.imp

.:. lemma: .:.
form: -

ваме lemma: vie 'you (pl.)'
form: 2pl.dat

19: бꙋ́деть lemma: bъda 'become'
form: 2sg.imp

translation: may (?) be blessed forever

.:. lemma: .:.
form: -

блáгословень lemma: blagoslovja 'bless'
form: m.sg.nom
alt.analysis: ptcp.aor.pass

.:. lemma: .:.
form: -

до́+ lemma: do 'until'
form: preposition

века lemma: vek 'age, world'
form: m.sg.gen

.:. lemma: .:.
form: -

ва+ lemma: v 'in'
form: preposition

сегда lemma: vsegda 'always'
form: adverb

амн lemma: amin 'amen'
form: interjection

translation: amen