Universität Zürich Universität Zürich

014 kako osudi marta pilata 114f

chapter view

sentence 46

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

element 1
dependency: cc
head: 2

дове_доха lemma: doveda 'lead in'
form: 2/3sg.aor

element 2
dependency: root
head: 0

того́ва lemma: tova 'that'
form: m.sg.gen/acc

element 3
dependency: det:ext
head: 4

чл҃века lemma: človek 'human'
form: m.sg.gen/acc (dep)

element 4
dependency: obj
head: 2

дето̀ lemma: deto 'which'
form: relative

element 5
dependency: mark
head: 7

бе́ше lemma: sъm 'be'
form: 2/3sg.impf

element 6
dependency: cop
head: 7

сле́пь lemma: slěp 'blind'
form: m.sg.nom

element 7
dependency: acl
head: 4

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

element 8
dependency: cc
head: 9

про_гледáль lemma: pogledam 'watch'
form: l-ptcp
alt.analysis: m.sg.nom

element 9
dependency: conj
head: 7

҆и+ lemma: i 'and'
form: conjunction

element 10
dependency: cc
head: 11

мартꙋри́са lemma: marturisati 'testify'
form: 2/3sg.aor

element 11
dependency: conj
head: 9

какво+ lemma: kakvo 'what'
form: relative

element 12
dependency: mark
head: 15

е lemma: sъm 'be'
form: 3sg.prs

element 13
dependency: aux:prf
head: 15

҆истина lemma: istina 'truth'
form: f.sg.nom

element 14
dependency: obl:pred
head: 15

било̀ lemma: sъm 'be'
form: l-ptcp
alt.analysis: n.sg.nom/acc

element 15
dependency: advcl
head: 11

таквáва lemma: takvav
form: n.pl.nom

element 16
dependency: det:ext
head: 17

чꙋдесà lemma: čudo 'miracle'
form: n.pl.nom/acc

element 17
dependency: nsubj
head: 15

And they brought that man which was blind and saw and he testified that these wonders were true

total elements: 17

linear view (Embedded brat):
view .conllu

ROOT i dovedoxa togova člveka deto beše slepъ i progledalъ i marturisa kakvo e istina bilo takvava čudesa 
cc(i-2, dovedoxa-3)
root(dovedoxa-3, ROOT)
det:ext(togova-4, člveka-5)
obj(člveka-5, dovedoxa-3)
mark(deto-6, slepъ-8)
cop(beše-7, slepъ-8)
acl(slepъ-8, člveka-5)
cc(i-9, progledalъ-10)
conj(progledalъ-10, slepъ-8)
cc(i-11, marturisa-12)
conj(marturisa-12, progledalъ-10)
mark(kakvo-13, bilo-16)
aux:prf(e-14, bilo-16)
obl:pred(istina-15, bilo-16)
advcl(bilo-16, marturisa-12)
det:ext(takvava-17, čudesa-18)
nsubj(čudesa-18, bilo-16)

tree view (React-Archer):